Award-winning writer and producer of the multiple award-winning independent feature Unremembered (2009), Greg Kerr has been writing fiction since he was 5 years old. He produced his first series of sci-fi comic books when he was 10 and he wrote and produced his first sci fi film when he was 11 years old — it was a 3-minute extravaganza (from an 8mm reel) that premiered in his living room to a packed house (if you count the house pets).
I have a scary-good memory for details. I wow (and annoy) friends and students with my recall of specific details on an almost daily basis. I’m serious about writing — so much so, I got a Master’s degree in it. I’m also a huge fan of science fiction — I’m a super-fan if there ever was one.
Science fiction fans are picky and want thought-provoking stories. They also hate inconsistency in plots. Me, too, but even more so than the average fan because I remember those inconsistencies for a long, long time.
As writers on this show, we want to honor sci fi fans, and we also don’t want to get caught off-guard by them. This is why details, research and careful planning are of utmost importance if you want to make an enduring and endearing sci fi show.”
Greg has traveled all over the world and can speak and read a little of this and a little of that. Along the way he got a Bachelors in Asian History and studied Anthropology, Biology, and Acting, then went on to get a Masters in Writing.
Greg grew up on a farm in rural southern Oregon, and has lived in Arizona and Portland, Oregon in addition to Los Angeles, where he now resides. His day job is writing. Since it currently doesn’t pay all the bills, he also teaches web development courses online at Portland Community College and does the occasional gig here and there.
Greg’s web address is
Radha Misra-Yasser (45 years old, half Indian origin) – India, Pakistan
Radha is a survivor. When her father married her off to an organized crime family in Pakistan at age 14, it was only the beginning of a life full of violence and betrayal. Now the leader of the organization, she is hardened, scrappy, strategic and ruthless. When she learns about her father’s vision of her impending death, she must find a way to sidestep her fate. Her plan is to obtain exceptionals to help her, whether they’re willing to or not. But little does she know, the process of stepping out of her father’s shadow will shed new light on a power she never knew she had.
Character introduced in Book 1, Chapter 4.
Exceptional Ability: Latent telepathy and long-term exposure to telepathic contact. She has the ability to know when she is being telepathically observed, also known as telepathic sensitivity. Although currently unknown to her, she also has a low rank form of telepathy.
The daughter of Sandesh and his first wife, Marie, Radha was born in the United States, but was raised primarily in India. It was around the time of her birth that Sandesh realized he had precognitive telepathy. Her mother died when Radha was very young, and after Marie died, Sandesh was a father in name only — he was absent for most of her childhood and she was raised by aunts and cousins.
During her childhood, her father’s business became more profitable — the business was basically money lending, first to gamblers, then to criminals, and finally to terrorist organizations or any group that needed large amounts of undocumented funds and who had the ability to pay them back. From this business, her father did invest large amounts of money into legitimate businesses, but unstable financial markets in Asia made criminal money-lending more profitable than legitimate investments.
In an effort to grow his organization into the lucrative arms trade in Pakistan, Sandesh agreed to marry Radha to the 28 year old Kabir Yasser, one of the sons and likely heir to the Yasser family, the biggest crime family in Pakistan at the time. To do so, Radha had to convert to Islam, both to appease the Yasser family and to circumvent the marriage age laws in India, since she had just turned 15. Radha wanted neither a husband nor to be a Muslim, but her father would hear none of it. She was married quickly and sent off to Pakistan with her new husband.
Her life with Kabir turned very violent, very quickly. He was a sadist and would take great joy in sexually and emotionally abusing his young bride. Her only solace came when he had trips away from home, and she often prayed to whatever gods who would listen that he wouldn’t return. Unfortunately, he always did return, and he seemed to have a new, twisted desire to share with Radha. Her relatives were less than sympathetic — many of them had similar marital stories or they would say “poor spoiled girl, never satisfied with anything.”
When she was 20 years old, she and Kabir learned from doctors that she was unable to have children, and it may have been related to abuse she suffered at his hands. After hearing this news, he beat her senseless that night, but secretly she was glad to disappoint him. After that, he also lost interest in her sexually, and she was very happy for that as well.
When Kabir’s father died, Kabir took over the family organization, but he soon proved to be an incompetent and lazy manager. He enjoyed being a working thug for the family, but was ill suited to do any of the planning or deal-making. It was Radha that filled this void, and she quickly established herself as the de facto leader of the family and gained the loyalty of her in-laws, in particular Fahad, Kabir’s younger brother and a competent and loyal right-hand person for Radha. When her father’s organization was much more sizable than that of the Yasser’s, she orchestrated a more direct merger of the two, rather than just a working relationship. Kabir was enraged that she would do this behind his back and he violently confronted her. This time, she was prepared, and she walked away leaving him to die from multiple stab wounds.
After Kabir’s death, her relationship with her father improved and she effectively became her father’s most trusted ally. But three things would change all that. First, Radha was growing tired of her father “watching” her in visions. She could feel it and she perceived it as not only a violation of her privacy, but also an indication he didn’t trust her, and he didn’t. Second, he learned he had cancer and after consulting with Dr. Morris, his outlook changed. He became more spiritual and decided the family business should change directions. Finally, since she was a child, Sandesh saw a future where he learned of her death. This basically meant his visions of her “turned to black” or appeared as a void which was an indication the target of the telepathy was dead. As that future got closer, his visions indicated more clearly that he apparently had a hand in her death. He reasoned that they must have had a falling out, and once he started to believe that, it eventually happened. They did have a falling out over the direction of the family business, and Sandesh’s desire to shed the unlawful pursuits of the business, which meant most everything Radha was involved in. Independently, both she and he split their business, and she willingly took the criminal aspects of the enterprise.
10 months ago, Radha became aware, through a mutual and trusted family member, that Sandesh had visions of killing her (or in some way being responsible for her death). She knew his visions always came to pass, but that the context may be unclear. She had one year before the incident, so she decided to formulate a contingency plan. But how to outwit a telepath who can spy on you from anywhere, and from the past?
Her desire to protect herself from her father grew into an obsession, but she knew she could not write anything down or verbalize the plan in any way — he might use his power to see what she is doing, then stop her. She came up with a plan: she would permanently block his ability to “see” her with his visions. That would give lead him to believe she was dead.
This plan was complicated — even if she could find a means to block his clairvoyance, she had no good means of testing it or even implementing it. More problematically, her fixation with this desire to protect herself lead her to lose track of her business colleagues and other members of her organization.
While in Germany, she visited a bookstore — she reads a lot, and knows a lot of languages, so she had many books to choose from. She enjoyed non-fiction, particularly philosophy and new age books, and one caught her eye. She couldn’t believe her luck. A book that provided her one third of the solution to her problem: Future Certain.
The second third of the solution to her problem presented itself from a series of expensive bribes made by a trusted colleague and several trips he would make that ended in Myanmar.
The final third of the solution came in the form of her cousin, Dariya, who provided Radha with more information about how her death might occur.
Her contingency plan now in place, she has only to find Brynne Harris in India to set the plan in motion. Unfortunately, she can’t see the future, and it is far from certain what the outcome will be.
We’ve started to see a correlation: predisposition to telepathy is inherited. This is the case with Sandesh’s five-year old daughter Radha. She has the tell-tale brain waves associated with a very low power rank telepathic ability. Her father has strongly indicated he doesn’t want her told about this — he realizes that along with this trait comes the tumor that seems to worsen the more the ability is used. He’d rather her not be aware of it and besides, she’s likely to never know about it because it’s not prominent — most people who have low power rank, intermittent telepathy are never aware of it.
Marnie Vega (30 years old, Latina) – Dallas, Texas
A thirty year old who has overstayed her mother’s invitation to move back home, Marnie is lost. She has a power, but she doesn’t know what it is – something like telekinesis, but seemingly useless. But much more distressing is that her mother has been kidnapped and the authorities have found nothing. When new information surfaces, Marnie steals some cash and travels abroad to take the investigation into her own hands. It’s when she ropes documentarian and former P.I. (and eventual love interest) Jeremy Garner into her chaos that she is finally able to recognize her true power: amplification.
Character introduced in Book 1, Chapter 5.
Exceptional Ability: Unknown. She believes she has telekinesis, but realizes it’s not at all what she thinks it is.
Marnie’s real name is Margarita Renata Vega, but she prefers the nickname Marnie and has gone by it since her teens. She was born in Argentina, but her parents moved to Dallas, Texas when she was three years old. Her mother is Texan and her father a native of Argentina.
While she was in college and living in the dorms with her roommate, Brenda, she discovered something unusual about herself that would be a consistent source of anxiety and curiosity and that would alter the trajectory of her life goals.
One night, after a long alcohol induced rant about relationships with Brenda, Marnie drifted off in an uneasy sleep. When they woke up the next morning, her alarm clock and other items were strewn about the room, as though they had been scattered by someone. Brenda and Marnie blamed each other and to compound their irritation with each other, both of them had what they believed were massive and unprecedented hangovers.
This same phenomenon – small items in the room scattered about – happened again a month later. Then again two weeks after that, but the last time without any alcohol the night before, yet still with somewhat debilitating, though temporary, headaches. Again, they blamed each other, and their relationship, already at odds due to a mutual interest in the same man, deteriorated and Brenda moved out.
Marnie lived alone for the remainder of the semester and the following year. That next year, her cousin Brenda came to visit and it happened again. Brenda and Marnie woke up with massive headaches, and there were the small objects, scattered around the room. Brenda was convinced it was a ghost. Marnie didn’t know what to think, except that it had something to do with her.
After she graduated from college and found a decent job, the incidents of that stopped. She was still fascinated with what she thought might be a relationship between her, the headaches and the objects being moved around. Then she saw a documentary about telekinesis and other odd mind powers. The documentary included a man, Vyacheslav Wolanski, from Ukraine who purportedly could move objects with the power of his thoughts, but his telekinetic ability didn’t seem to function based on his control. It was random, but it produced powerful headaches. The documentary also examined other people who had similar abilities, but that man in the Ukraine seemed very convincing to her. The others in the film, not so much.
Then the odd experience happened one more time when she was spending the night with a boyfriend at the time. She realized it only happened when she was around other people and somehow affected them as well.
She knew she had to figure this out, and the best place to start was by contacting Vyacheslav.
My team and I have talked with hundreds of people who believe they have some kind of mental powers. The majority have no measurable or atypical mental abilities. We’ve never documented a case of telekinesis before. Anyone who claims to have such an ability should demonstrate it, otherwise, it’s best to remain skeptical.
Brynn Harris (25 years old, Black) – Portland, Oregon
Though often troubled by her ability to see the future, Brynn has a Pollyanna view of the world. She’s caring, honest and open, and uses her power for good: saving a drowning child, and warning her friend about a dangerous bus ride, for instance. But when her visions lead her to India, she gets kidnapped and entangled in a conspiracy that puts her at odds with Homeland Security. As her life comes under relentless scrutiny and her loved ones become endangered, Brynn becomes less trusting and goes into hiding. She also learns to use her power to her own advantage to become very wealthy.
Character introduced in Book 1, Chapter 2.
Exceptional Ability: Precognitive clairvoyance. She can see through the eyes of others or herself at a future point in time.
Originally from Portland, Oregon, Brynn was raised by very conservative and religious parents. Brynn was actively involved in school band and theater and, as she got older, these school pursuits began to dominate her time and often kept her away from church. Her parents didn’t question it because it meant she had little time for boys, too.
Upon turning 18, Brynn left home, but stayed in Portland, Oregon to take college classes and take part in a culture with which she was unfamiliar. Even then, she could feel the division with her parents growing as her beliefs changed.
In her early 20s, Brynn struck up a friendship with a woman named Gabriella who was close to her age. Gabriella was very much Brynn’s opposite in temperament; Gabriella was very out-going and flamboyant, whereas Brynn was cautious and subdued. Gabriella was also a risk-taker and willing to take risks with drugs and her health, too. Their friendship slowly turned into a romantic relationship that left Brynn conflicted. Brynn’s parents would not approve of this relationship, and Brynn had nagging guilt due to the traditional values she was raised to believe in. Ultimately, the guilt caused Brynn to end the relationship with Gabriella, which left Gabriella devastated.
When Brynn was 27, she had the first vision she could remember. It occurred as she was having a migraine headache while she was sleeping. She dreamed of Gabriella overdosing on drugs and dying. Brynn woke up abruptly from the dream feeling nauseous, dizzy and with a severe headache. Brynn was deeply disturbed by the dream and decided to reach out to Gabriella, who was fine. Brynn brushed it off as a silly dream.
Because Brynn reached out to Gabriella, this rekindled their relationship in a strong, passionate way, but once again, Brynn severed her ties to Gabriella a few months later. It was after this break-up that Gabriella overdosed on drugs and died.
Gabriella’s death caused Brynn to become obsessive. Brynn learned everything she could about the cause, the means, and the location of Gabriella’s death. Everything she read and heard matched the vision she had a few months earlier. Then she had another vision – about a friend in South Korea and a bus exploding. Then she had another about a neighbor’s cat caught in a tree. The visions came more regularly and always in her sleep and always with migraine headaches. The visions were very distorted and difficult to interpret, but they always came true.
Then Brynn had a dream of a drowning child and saw herself rescuing him. She roped her best friend, Lauren Canella, into helping her rescue the child and found herself on the news and a minor local celebrity in the process, although she was cautious not to tell anyone but Lauren that it was due to a vision.
After the rescue, Lauren talked Brynn into telling the world she can see the future, which Brynn was not interested in at first. But to make extra money and to document her visions more completely, she decided to throw caution to the wind and write a memoir which she called Future Certain due to the fact that the visions always came true and she wasn’t able to alter them, whether good or bad. She dedicated the book to Gabriella and it was published by a New Age oriented publishing house.
Future Certain had very low sales in niche markets, most of the sales were to those who had existing interest in New Age topics and a predisposition to believe something the general public regards as fiction. The book, however, did get the attention of Radha Misra, who believed in Brynn’s visions.
Brynn has a strong moral and ethical outlook — she’s concerned for others and wants to protect her friends. She also wants to protect strangers she knows are innocent and whom she has seen only in visions. Her morality (and naivety) causes her to suffer prolonged interrogation both at the hands of Radha and Homeland Security. Lauren provides frequent moral and psychological support to her as Brynn faces pressure from foreign, organized criminals and Homeland Security. Like many telepaths, Brynn possesses an unusually strong willpower.
Though not a patient of mine, a colleague brought up Brynn Harris and her book. Based on her description of her ability, it’s very probable she has precognitive clairvoyance. This is a distal (long-range) form of telepathy that generates in the occipital and temporal regions of the brain. It is delta wave-based and accompanied by severe migraines and only occurs during sleep. Clairvoyance is an observational form of telepathy: she can see and hear what other people are seeing and hearing. Brynn’s clairvoyance is only precognitive and does not appear to operate in present time.
As with the other subject we studied years ago who also has precognitive clairvoyance, I developed a theory to explain this ability after scanning the subject and determining he had a Grade I brain tumor with unusual properties which resided in the occipital region of his brain. The tumor appeared to become more active when exposed to ionizing radiation, rather than being harmed by it. The subject also noted that visions became more frequent and clear when the tumor was exposed to radiation. This led us and other researchers to posit that the brain tumor was, in essence, a radiation receiver and may be able to receive temporal radiation and temporal particles. There is no effective means of testing this theory since temporal or tachyon particles are themselves theoretical and not currently measurable. This theory was widely debated and disputed by colleagues, but no alternate theories were proposed.
Brynn, like the other subject, would likely have a Morris telepathic power rank value of medium.
Dr. Tina Plantes (50-60 years old, Caucasian) – Baltimore, Maryland
A physics professor at Johns Hopkins University, Tina loves her work. In fact, she’d rather be married to her work than to any man. But when she starts to find herself in alternate realities, she gets very distracted – not just because she’s a physicist with a real-life physics problem, but also because she has fallen in love – in more than one reality! By tackling the greatest scientific problem she has ever faced, Tina quickly learns that her actions have profound consequences – not just for her, but also for her new beau, Dr. Morris… and everyone they’ve ever met.
Character introduced in Book 1, Chapter 1.
Exceptional Ability: Extremely high intelligence and cognitive ability (very superior, upper extreme, or highly advanced depending on the scale used). Although her odd experiences — i.e., moving into alternate realities — occur mostly while she is asleep, they are not the result of a physical condition or mental ability, like telepathy. The cause is currently unknown.
Adopted as the only child of a couple from a Mexican orphanage, Tina never knew her real parents, nor did she have any interest, except in passing, to find out. Her adoptive parents moved to the United States when Tina was still an infant and raised her in an English-only household and sent her to private schools, in an effort to give her the greatest chance of success in America. Both her adoptive parents passed away of natural causes when Tina was in college, and that was the end of any connection she had to family. This would seem to be a sad circumstance for any young woman, but Tina was always grounded firmly in reality and the here and now. Any anxiety or stress that came her way, she dealt with it through work, specifically in the study of Physics. She threw herself into the deep end of the physics pool and came up with some remarkable insights into quantum physics, space-time physics and furthering or challenging generally accepted notions of the day.
An introvert and a person of the mind, she was content with keeping distractions, like interpersonal relationships, separate from her work life, which was her entire life for the most part. Although, she did find time for reading ancient and historical literature, and physical fitness through martial arts.
Though she never really wanted to have children, when she turned 40, she began to think more about her legacy. Without family, would she ever be remembered? Since she had no children — and no built-in legacy that comes with kids — would there be something in her work that could serve as a legacy. She also started to realize that, although she was a physics professor at a small, but relatively well-regarded university, it had been many years since she had a profound, original idea regarding physics.
It was during this minor existential crisis, that Tina began to have unusual dreams. During a two-week period of time, she had vivid dreams: a man kept coming to meet her. She had never seen him before, but he needed her help. She knew it had something to do with alternate realities, but she couldn’t hang onto the idea. The images kept coming to her: a manuscript she had written but actually never wrote, a knife, some notes in her handwriting carried by this stranger. Something terrible was happening — people were dying. She saw herself being killed. And then the dreams just stopped. She can’t remember the man’s face anymore, but the experience was profound.
She took a long-term leave of absence from her professorship and began to travel and dwell on her experience. She also began to write about it, but only in general concepts, not as though it had really happened to her — people would think she was crazy, not that it wasn’t exactly what she was thinking, too! She wrote both a scientific discussion about alternate realities, and also published a series of fictional short stories about alternate realities, which proved to have some popularity among science fiction enthusiasts. She eventually went back to teaching at Johns Hopkins.
During her long “hiatus from real life” as she put it, something else happened to her, and this time, she wrote down everything she could and tried to hang onto it all. She was visited by a Chinese monk, Renshu Sun — he did not approach her in a Buddhist robe, he just stated his affiliation. He had a bizarre story to share with her, one that he believed she was uniquely able to understand given her physics background and her imagination (he had read her short stories). And his encounter with her was urgent, because he said he could not remain here long. Here’s what he told her:
Hello, my name is Renshu Sun. Please listen to me. I cannot stay here long and I have traveled a considerable way to see you. This is the start and the end. I think you will understand when I say this is the first and last time we meet.
I believe you are the key to understanding alternate realities. I too have been seeing them. I was ordained as a bhikkhu, what you would call a Buddhist monk. I always found it easy to reach a deeply meditative state even when I was young. I was a monk for a few years until one day, a day that spilled over into night, I was engaged in a long meditative session in my room, and suddenly my perception changed. I was no longer in my room. Indeed, I was no longer at our monastery. I was in what appeared to be a temple — it was quite destroyed, and all around me lay the ruins. I was shocked and I immediately came out of this vision back into my room.
Arrogantly, I wondered if I had not seen a glimpse of Nirvana. But what of Nirvana? A ruined temple? Was this what the Buddha himself had seen? I was too young and naive even then to know what I was really seeing. It was disturbing, but I decided to seek out that temple again. During my free time the following week, I meditated deeply again. And it came to me. The same temple. This time, I vowed to stay as long as I could. I concentrated on this place. I realized I was sitting amidst the ruins, so I stood up. Before me was a strange symbol carved into the floor. It was nothing I had seen before. I looked around me. The debris was everywhere and my immediate reaction was that I wanted to rebuild it, but the feeling inside me was much like the place. I was helpless to repair it.
I decided to explore outside the temple. It was dark outside. Or rather, there was darkness, though I wouldn’t call it night. There were also clouds swirling around the temple. Some appeared to take form, like misty people or what I felt were hungry ghosts who could not come inside the temple, but spun around it in a turbulent cyclone. I went up to one of the cloudy images. It looked like a person. It could have been frightening, but the image didn’t last long. Suddenly, I was in an empty room, or rather it appeared to be a public meeting place where people go to have dinner and congregate. There were tables and chairs, but no people. I had never seen it before, but it looked like some place you might see in an old American movie.
As I stood in this room, I noticed that there were plates with food, but no people. Then I could hear something, someone talking, faintly. Then more muttering, imperceptible at first. Then the ghosts — translucent people started to appear, most sitting at the tables, some walking around. They become more opaque, but they did not seem to notice me. And then I realized they were all moving backward, speaking backward, too. But the realization quickly hit me — it was me that was out of place, out of time compared to them. Something was happening to me.
I fled that place and ended up back in the temple, and then back in my room. It would be a few months before I chose to journey back to the temple. It scared me, but not for the reason you might imagine. I realized that the temple, that place I kept coming to, had nothing to do with my religion or worse still, it might indicate that religion could not explain it. I continued to visit the temple, observe the people. There were people from all over the world that I could visit by leaving that temple.”
And then he cut his story short. He told Tina that he had to leave now, but that he wanted to let her know he had seen her in this place, too. That she was the only one who ever recognized him — regarded him — during that time. He believed she could perceive this, too. The last thing he said to her was, “don’t forget this — you will not find me here or now, but you will find me.” And he literally vanished before her eyes. Tina woke up from this dream — or? Had she dreamt all that? It was more than a dream, like those visions before, but even more memorable. She immediately wrote down everything she could recall to the smallest details.
She attempted to locate Renshu Sun, but nobody, not all the Buddhist orders or monastic communities in China she contacted, and she contacted many, had ever heard of him. It was as if he did not exist. And he might not exist. Yet. Or, she began to reason that he might not exist in this reality. For a time, she tried to actively attempt to dream to get the visions back. Then she tried mediation, but her overly active brain and general lack of patience didn’t work very well for her.
Eventually, Tina began to wonder if this wasn’t all in her head. After a routine brain scan for problems came up negative, she confided in a colleague who was also a psychiatrist. The colleague told her that it would be very unusual for Tina to suddenly have a psychotic episode at this point in her life especially one so incredibly detailed. The colleague put her in touch with Dr. Daniel Trent who is an expert on very unusual mental phenomenon.
Tina met with Daniel and told him her story. He shared with her that it didn’t sound like something he’d heard of before and he’d heard of some incredible things. He suggested she attempt to actively induce an altered state and also suggested methods to do it, including the use of a mind-altering drug. She had never done drugs before — not because she didn’t have the opportunity in college, but because she was very much afraid she would lose control or damage her brain or do something really inappropriate. Still though, she wasn’t a kid anymore, and she could think of no other way to “get there”. She kept telling herself that something like peyote is sufficiently mind-altering and it’s also natural. And, after all, this is all in the name of science.
Now, after illegally obtaining the desired controlled substance, Tina locks herself in her apartment. It’s night. She’s alone, but she’s feeling giddy and giggly. She’s like some dumb school kid about to trip! She decides it’s a good idea to eat, and maybe some wine to calm her nerves. Damn, should she have had alcohol before taking peyote? She opens up the package. It contains strips of cactus. “What the hell — how do I use this?” There are brief instructions on a note inserted in the package: Chew and wash down with liquid. “How many?” She tries one to start. Very bitter. She waits about 5 minutes and doesn’t feel anything. She tries another strip. A third can’t hurt. It doesn’t taste that bad after all. Should she be washing these down with wine?
Then something happens…
Psychoactive compounds have been shown to enhance some telepathic and related abilities, and on a few documented occasions, provide telepathic or related abilities to people without inherent abilities. The problem with attempting to induce or enhance a mental ability with a hallucinogenic drug is that the results cannot be predicted.
Adebayo “Abe” Rotimi (50-59 years old, African) – Omaha, Nebraska
Abe is compassionate and selfless, a psychologist by training and an exceptional with a potent mental ability: he can block telepathy. It’s because of his unusual power that, as a boy in Nigeria, a man with telepathy found Abe to be a threat and killed his mother for trying to protect him. But Abe’s power has its advantages; working alongside Dr. Daniel Trent, his ability allows them to identify those who may be exceptionals so they can get help from Dr. Morris. After a massacre occurs at Dr. Morris’ facility in Omaha, Altruistic Abe hits the road to save unknowing patients who may be targets of an assassin.
Character introduced in Book 1, Chapter 7.
Exceptional Ability: concurrent, proximal (short-range), suppressive telepathy. He can block or cancel out mental telepathy when used on him or others around him.
From the Ogun state in Southwest Nigeria and ethnically Yoruba, Adebayo Rotimi, found out at an early age that he could block telepathy. He would have likely never known he had this ability were it not for a chance meeting with a local crime boss who could read minds. Realizing he was in danger, his mother sent him to Sudan to be raised by distant relatives. Not content to let Abe escape, the telepathic crime boss tortured and killed Abe’s mother to find him, but she never revealed Abe’s whereabouts.
From Sudan, Abe eventually migrated to Egypt and obtained an advanced degree in Psychology there before coming across Dr. Morris while attempting to research his own mental ability. He and Dr. Morris became good friends and Dr. Morris hired Abe to consult with him as he studied people with exceptional abilities.
Abe’s own mental ability has been very useful when studying other exceptionals with mental abilities. In addition to being able to protect himself and other doctors and researchers from harmful or invasive mental powers, he is also able to help patients with uncontrolled mental abilities learn how to control them.
Abe has been called upon by Dr. Morris, with Dr. Daniel Trent, to locate those he believes have exceptional abilities. Their task is to interview possible exceptionals and, if they determine they have actual abilities, refer them to Dr. Morris and his team to obtain treatment and therapy.
When dealing with English speakers, he goes by the name Abe, a nickname for which he is fond. He speaks English fluently, although he has a trace of a Nigerian (Yoruba language) accent.
Abe has a strong sense of justice, a belief in the ultimate goodness of people, and a desire to help those who are in need or who are being oppressed. When working with Daniel, a large part of Abe’s motivation is helping exceptionals and ensuring they will be safe. This motivation comes into conflict with Daniel’s interest, which is at first scientific curiosity, but later finding a way to protect the general public from exceptionals.
Abe has concurrent, proximal (short-range), suppressive telepathy. As with the typical beta wave-based telepaths, Abe’s ability is very different — in fact, the opposite. He cannot read minds, however he can sense when a telepath is attempting to use telepathy around him and he can actively block telepathic activity in himself and a small area around himself. To do this, his brain produces telepathic waves that are 180 degrees out of phase with typical telepathic brain waves. His telepathy is primarily beta wave-based, but he has some ability in the gamma wave range. He is unable to suppress delta waves.
He has been extensively studied by us and is an indispensable member of our research team. He has a Morris telepathic power rank value of medium.
Vivienne Hayley (late 20s, Caucasian) – Idaho and U.S.
Vivienne is a drifter, a grifter, and a bigot. And she’s fresh out of prison. A physical exceptional, her skin and cells rapidly die and regrow, allowing her to breathe underwater and regenerate wounds faster than a normal person. But as a former patient of Dr. Morris, she knows her ability is also a disease. She will likely not live past 35; and with a lack of ethics, a lack of maturity, and a very high pain threshold, Vivienne just lives for the day. It’s when she ends up saving another exceptional’s life that she finds meaning in her own and is inspired to become a literal superhero.
Character introduced in Book 1, Chapter 14.
Exceptional Ability: Accelerated viscera neoplasia (rapid and abnormal cell growth and replacement). She can both breathe underwater and regenerate cellular damage at a faster than normal human rate.
Vivienne always knew she was different, but saw her abilities as more of a parlor trick rather than anything useful. Her skin rapidly regenerates and is permeable ensuring that any tattoos put on her are always temporary. To make money or get free drinks in a bar, she’ll use her skills to impress the patrons or win bets. She never once considered herself special or extraordinary.
Born in Cooperstown, North Dakota, her mother disappeared when she was a baby and her father moved to Grand Forks, North Dakota where she grew up. At one time her father told Vivienne that her mother was a tramp and just ran off, while another time he said her mother was dead. She never knew what the truth was and her father wasn’t much for words or the truth. Her father and her rarely got along. When young, she learned that she could stay underwater, without breathing through her lungs, for very long periods of time. She scared a neighbor girl and that girl’s mother when she pretended she drowned. Mostly, she kept this ability a secret. It was the way she’d be able to run off and hide when her home life was too difficult — she’d immerse herself in a deep pond or river and wait until trouble passed her by. She liked the way it was quiet and still underwater.
At 13, her father and her were having a particularly heated argument while he was driving. Distracted by the shouting match, her father lost control of the car and it upended on a highway at high speed, throwing him away from the vehicle and leaving Vivienne trapped inside as the interior of the car caught on fire. Soon she was engulfed in flames and lost consciousness. She woke up from a coma in a medical facility a week later and was told her father was dead and that she was under the care of Dr. Morris. While most of her hair was burned away, she had no other visible signs of burns. Without parents or available (or known) relatives, her custody fell to the state, or in this case, Dr. Morris’ research team. The research staff found her to be a very disagreeable and difficult patient. She was argumentative, ignored her tutors, and got into fights with other patients and employees at the facility. Just prior to her transfer to Enfeld Bionomics before her 17th birthday, she escaped. She hid in a nearby reservoir for a day then walked away.
Although she is still anxious around fire, there’s very little that causes her to be afraid. Vivienne has an extremely high pain threshold. When you add to her high pain tolerance a faster than normal regeneration rate, you get a person who’s not bothered by concerns about getting physically injured. She’s also a very physically capable and physically secure person. She’s comfortable with her physicality — she likes her body, and she’s a bit of an exhibitionist. She likes how men look at her and she is attractive, although she’s definitely a diamond in the rough — very rough.
While she lacks a sense of fear, she also often lacks good judgment. She’s emotionally very reactive — quick to anger, quick to get defensive, quick to get emotionally hurt, and slow to trust anyone. She’d rather manipulate people than try to build trust, particularly men. She finds it very hard to make and keep friends or even keep a job. Though she doesn’t see herself as different because of her ability, her lack of trust in people does set her apart. It takes a very patient person to get close to her.
Vivienne is prone to using her fists — and teeth — to resolve an argument. That, coupled with writing several bad checks, landed her in prison a few different times, with the last stay being for six years.
Now, after spending the last several years in the Pocatello Women’s Correctional Center in Pocatello, Idaho, she has been paroled and is eager to drift away.
All humans have minimal respiration through their epidermis. Patient E-P-037 (Vivienne Hayley) has an extremely rare condition that allows her to take in atmospheric oxygen through her epidermis at a rate that is significant to total respiration. When the patient has no respiration through her lungs, her dermal cells enter a state of rapid accelerated functional hyperaemia and oxygen transfer and its not just dermal cells that allow this, but all viscera cells. When submersed in liquid, her viscera cells allow the transfer of oxygen from the liquid to her respiratory system. During this process, she undergoes rapid cellular damage and loss which is offset by rapid regeneration.
Overall, her viscera cells regenerate more rapidly when she is injured and exhibit a lack of apparent fibrosis after thermal, chemical or mechanical tissue damage. Colleagues have commented that her viscera cells have many of the same properties and features of malignant cancer cells.
It should be noted that the patient has a dormant immunosuppression caused by atypical mTOR inhibitor production. This will likely change in her early adulthood and the probability of immunodeficiency is extremely high.
Dr. Jean Speerel (50-59 years old, Caucasian) – Washington, D.C.
Jean is an imposing woman with icy blue eyes and dark secrets she’d do anything to protect. For one, she has the ability to read minds. But despite these secrets, Jean has built a commendable reputation as a neuroscientist and criminal profiler for U.S. intelligence. Jean is always in control. She dresses impeccably, keeps a meticulous home, and uses her telepathy to manipulate any situation in her favor. But when her life is threatened and she discovers the world’s biggest secret – an alien – she must go to increasingly extreme lengths to keep her grip on things, no matter how destructive the consequences.
Character introduced in Book 1, Chapter 8.
Exceptional Ability: Proximal (short-range), observational telepathy, also commonly known as mind-reading. This is the most common and typical form of telepathy, however the strength exhibited by different individuals varies widely.
The only child of an affluent family on the East coast of the United States, Jean Speerel knew about her ability from a very young age, and realized then that she may be the only person with this power. She was extremely intelligent and intuitive in addition to having telepathy. When she was 6 years old, while playing with other children in her elementary school playground, she listened to their thoughts. At first, she told the other children and they didn’t believe her. She was able to prove it and convinced them all by telling them what they were thinking. Then they told their parents, and before long, she was taken to the principal’s office, and, with her mother called in, asked to explain herself. It was at that young age she realized telling people about her ability could get her into trouble. It was also then that she decided not to tell the truth, instead she said she had made it all up. Eventually, the whole thing blew over and nobody gave it a second thought.
Telepathic ability like this comes with an odd effect — she refers to it as an “echo”. Just before people speak, they think of what they are going to say. It can be a jumble of thoughts and words that converge and coalesce into a sentence that plays in their minds just before coming out of their mouths creating a sort of echo. As she learned about the echo, she also learned how to ignore it. Amateur and weak telepaths are easily distracted by it, but she has a great deal of control over her power and she has a very effective mental filter for the echo.
Suffice to say, the advantages telepathy gave her were enormous. She could read the thoughts of everyone around her: teachers, her parents, classmates, everyone. She could play into their interests, get them to help her or give her things just because she knew things about them. But the disadvantages were staggering. She realized that people routinely lie. During high school, her supposed “friends” frequently thought ill of her while telling her they liked her. Boys she didn’t know who passed her in the hallway objectified her for her body, but also criticized her without saying a word. Even though teachers patiently answered her questions, she annoyed them by asking too many questions. Her parents didn’t trust her even though they encouraged her and told her they did. Everyone, all the world, lied.
The deceit from other people was disheartening and isolated her. She stopped just actively reading minds because of the constant barrage of negativity. She also found that reading the minds of teachers to cheat on tests was too easy and lacked inspiration. She had enough intelligence and self-motivation that she didn’t need to cheat.
Her intelligence, academic achievements, and her parents money ensured she could attend the Ivy League college of her choice, Brown University in Providence Rhode Island, and indulge her fascination with neuroscience. She knew she was attracted to this subject in part because it might explain something about her and her unusual mind. She always, and perhaps with some hubris, felt that she was mentally, and perhaps genetically, advanced.
It was during her freshman year of college that she met and began a relationship with Jacob, another freshman who was also a biology major. He was immediately attractive to her. He didn’t lie. Well, he almost never lied, and he was completely attracted to her — very infatuated with her actually. It was almost embarrassing to her the way he thought about her and so often. She very much liked him, and liked more how he made her feel. It was like holding up a mirror to yourself that always makes you look your best. But Jacob was simple — very straight-forward. He did what she was interested in doing and took her places when she asked. He would do anything for her. His adoration grew tiring to her, but she continued to see him because it was easy and because he was easy to manage. That is, until she noticed one of her lab instructors, Elias. He was in his 30s and he definitely didn’t think like the average person. He had dark, complicated thoughts and it seemed that he was frequently on the verge of saying something very inappropriate to students, but then backing off just before the echo. Jean was utterly fascinated by him and would catch herself smiling when she read his mind as he lectured. He was the exact opposite of the uncomplicated Jacob.
And then it happened. Toward the end of her second semester of her freshman year, while she was having an informal dinner with Jacob at his apartment. He said “are you reading my mind?” She knew he wasn’t joking because she was reading his mind at the time. She was mortified. How could he know? The look on her face gave her away. “Can you read my mind?” “How is that possible?” — the questions came almost as fast as the echoes. She wasn’t prepared for it, and she didn’t know what to do, so she left abruptly. He called her repeatedly that night, but she didn’t answer. She was exposed in a way she never had been since she naively exposed her ability when she was a 6 year old.
Jacob left messages for her: it was Ok, and he just wanted to understand it, and, always, how is it possible, and how can you do that. She could not understand how he knew, but she hit upon a possible reason that was only confirmed to her through Dr. Morris’ research many years later. Prolonged exposure to telepathic contact can make even a non-telepathic person aware of its presence. And she most definitely spent the most time reading his mind of anyone she knew except perhaps her parents.
Jean ended her relationship with Jacob, and at the end of the semester, began to pursue Elias. And it was easy to get with Elias. She knew how dark, how unhinged some of his thoughts could be and how that informed his sense of humor, and she could match him with some very dark humor of her own. At first he protested that he should not date a student, but she assured him that, since it was summer break, she was no longer his student. And besides, she wasn’t a typical student anyway. The first time they made love was intense for her. She tried to control how much she read his mind so he didn’t become aware of it, but she was utterly absorbed with him. The things he thought during sex were pornographic, yes, but somewhat unsettling, but very much mesmerizing to her. But he had amazing control, too. He never said many of the things he thought. She just enjoyed the darkness from a safe distance.
A month later, Jean ran into Jacob at a market near campus. He made it seem like a chance encounter, but she knew he planned it. He was still very much obsessed with her. Since she spent most of the previous month at Elias’ place, she hadn’t realized that Jacob was now camping out at her place. He also knew she was seeing someone else. With Jacob in this state, and knowing about her secret, she didn’t know how far he would go and it bothered her. She had trouble relaxing later that day with Elias. The next day, there was a knock on the door, and Elias answered it. Jacob was there now — he followed her to Elias’ apartment. Jacob was both shocked then angry that she was sleeping with an instructor. Elias warned Jacob that he wouldn’t tolerate him around there. Jean was stunned and many things echoed back and forth — somewhere in the middle of the shouting match, Jean could hear that Elias wanted to kill Jacob, though didn’t say it. Then Jacob blurted out “you know she can read minds — good luck with that!” She could read that Elias was confused by that comment, but seemed to shrug it off as some dumb ploy of Jacob’s. Jacob left after Elias repeatedly and increasingly loudly said he’d call the police.
That night, Jean and Elias sat quietly eating dinner. She could tell that Elias was mulling whether a relationship with her was a good idea. She brought up the subject of the altercation earlier in the day. Elias expressed concern that he could get in trouble for seeing a student since he was a new instructor. This position was a huge break for him and he shouldn’t be risking it. She reminded him he had already. Then he thought “what if I were to kill that guy — he’s unstable — I could very easily make it look like suicide.” Elias asked her what she thought were the odds Jacob might talk. She told him it was a definite possibility. Several things went through Elias’ mind and she realized he’d attempted to kill someone before, but didn’t succeed. Jean said in a joking manner, “well, you could kill him, just be sure it looks like an accident!” Elias didn’t laugh. He asked her if she thought people would believe Jacob could commit suicide. She said “yes” and that was the last they spoke of it.
Later that week, she heard on the local news that Jacob was found dead of a likely drug overdose. They were drugs that were readily available from their university lab, so he could have gotten them, but she knew it was Elias. Elias was different after that — distant. He was very concerned about the impropriety of their relationship, but she knew he was also bothered about killing Jacob. Obviously, he never confessed it to her openly, nor did she ask. It made her uncomfortable as well. All those dark thoughts in him. She knew she’d have advance warning if he decided to attack her, but it might not be enough advance warning. So she left him.
Later that school year, she learned that he had a relationship with another student and that the administration found out about it. Although he wasn’t terminated, he was put on probation. While on probation, he committed suicide. And that was that. That experience taught her two valuable lessons: if someone tries to reveal your secret publicly, prepare to lie and lie well, and if you kill someone, you’d better be able to handle the emotional consequences of the action. It was also helpful to learn that even non-professionals could be effective killers if they are so motivated.
Jean went on to obtain her Ph.D in Neuroscience then post-doctoral work with a medical non-profit in Washington D.C. She became more involved in consulting work and obtained a consulting position with a prestigious non-profit medical organization that lobbied the government. She was an extremely effective negotiator and lobbyist. Eventually and quickly, she made her way up the food chain of power first as a consultant on health-related policies and laws in the House, then on security-related health issues first with the House, then the Senate. She eventually became a general adviser to the Intelligence Community (NSA, CIA, Treasury Department OIA, FBI, DoD’s DIA, etc.) Her background includes deep knowledge in both neuroscience and neuropsychology. She can get into both the medical aspects of how the brain works and the psychology of the human mind. Criminal profiling has become a recent area of her consultation work.
Now, she’s learned of a possible effort by the Chinese government to study telepathy. And, that there is a man named Dr. Morris who has been studying them as well.
She decides to find Dr. Morris.
Abe brought my attention to a person he just met, Dr. Jean Speerel. She has concurrent, proximal (short-range) observational telepathy. It is Brocal and beta wave-based. She can read the thoughts (not memories) of other people near her, which is the classic form of telepathy — she’s a mind-reader and a powerful one at that. She has also learned how to filter out the voices of others so she can hear one at a time even in large crowds.
Abe expressed a concern that Dr. Speerel was able to read his mind even though he attempted to block her telepathy. That would suggest she has a Morris telepathic power rank value of high — the first of that rank we’ve encountered in a mind-reader.
Rachel LaTour (early 20s, Chinese American) – Washington, D.C.
An Olympic gold medalist in gymnastics and martial arts as a child, Rachel LaTour is physically exceptional. Now using her talents as a CIA agent who leads high-risk missions in China, Rachel is conscientious, honorable, and patriotic. But when she learns that telepathy is real and she can detect Jean using it on her, her world view is altered. The closer she comes to the truth, the harder it is for her to reconcile her new beliefs with her sense of loyalty to the U.S. government.
Character introduced in Book 1, Chapter 11.
Exceptional Ability: Superior agility, coordination, balance, and flexibility.
Rachel’s parents moved to the U.S. from Taiwan and became naturalized citizens. Her father died when she was 2 years old and her mother later remarried to Arnold LaTour. Rachel was ultimately adopted by her step-father and became very close with him, though was somewhat distant from her mother. Her adopted father encouraged her athletic and academic pursuits and Rachel bloomed. Her step-father eventually died when Rachel was 17 which deeply affected her, though she channeled her grief into her studies becoming even more focused.
Driven by both physical and mental pursuits, the over-achieving and very serious Rachel LaTour would seem to anyone to be exceptional. Her physical ability allowed her to achieve fame in the Olympic arena, in both gymnastics and the martial arts, beginning at age 12, and her educational pursuits have been rewarded with a Bachelor’s degree in criminology prior to age 15 then graduating from the United States Military Academy at West Point at 19. She has been called a child prodigy because of her level of motivation even from a very young age, but what she has in drive, she lacks in social knowledge and she is frequently isolated from others in her age group and generally from everybody else due to her lack of interest in typical young adult pursuits. Rachel has a strong ethical nature and a belief in justice.
She was recruited by the Army’s special mission unit, Delta Force, and trained in covert work. The CIA was impressed by her physical and academic credentials, but also saw in her a maturity beyond her years. They recruited her into their Special Operations Group and found that she could be useful in more subtle operations. The CIA realized that Rachel’s high profile and name recognition, rather than being a detriment, allowed her to make contact with and gain the confidence of others in many places in the world where she is required to work.
By age 22, Rachel established herself as the leader of a covert group of special operatives trained in infiltration and extraction. Her colleagues refer to her by her code name, Blackbird, which her supervisor applied to her upon seeing her “fly” into action and demonstrating unusual athleticism during training exercises. She prefers to be called Rachel.
When she has been involved in romantic situations, they often turn out to be problematic for her work. She had difficulty integrating a social life into her work life, until she became involved with her co-worker Michael DeCosta. This was, seemingly a good solution for her since she is at work or traveling regularly, but this created a new, and ethical, problem for her and him.
Now, during a mission to extract a defector from China, she finds out that telepathy — mind-reading — is real and learns that she can tell when someone is reading her mind. She is understandably shocked by this news. When she attempts to report this back to her superiors, she feels Dr. Jean Speerel attempting to read her mind. What is going on here? She isn’t one to jump to wild conclusions, but she wonders: is there a conspiracy in the U.S. government?
Daniel shared with me his recent meeting with Rachel LaTour. I’ve written extensively about those, like Rachel, who have heightened physical abilities and who are the top athletes in the world. She is a multiple Olympic gold medalist, the youngest gold medalist, and a two discipline medalist, which puts her into a unique category even for Olympic gold medalists. Physical prowess of hers is unusual, but most exceptionals have physical abilities rather than mental abilities, and those physical exceptionals who go into the high profile realm of competitive sports often achieve success and fame.
As to the issue of her awareness that her mind is being read, also known as telepathic sensitivity, those of us who work with telepaths tend to develop a similar trait — we can feel when one of them attempts to get into our heads. But it usually requires long-term exposure to telepathy before this ability manifests. In Rachel’s case, because it was so sudden, with no past history of encountering telepaths, it’s very likely she herself is pre-telepathic (meaning she has a genetic predisposition to telepathy) or she is a latent or very low rank telepath. It’s worth further study.
Erik von Trapp (45-50 years old, African descent) – Beijing, China and International
A genius, engineer, and die-hard anarchist, Erik has zero allegiances and many passports – each with different aliases. For the time being, he lives in Beijing in an apartment full of security cameras with his adorable pug, Brad. He’s been hired by China’s Scientific Research Steering Committee for a telepathy research project, but behind the scenes, he’s embezzling money as part of a larger plan to disrupt world economies. Erik can outsmart anyone, even the CIA; but despite making fast enemies with Rachel LaTour, an unexpected catastrophe involving an alien will eventually cause them to join forces.
Character introduced in Book 1, first mentioned in Chapter 42, introduced in Chapter 44.
Exceptional Ability: Extremely high intelligence and cognitive ability (very superior, upper extreme, or highly advanced depending on the scale used).
Erik von Trapp, aka Erik Reiter, aka Eric Van Zell, aka Eric Hong, aka Jan Gantt, aka James Danvers, aka… well, the list goes on and even Erik von Trapp is likely an alias, too. He is an anarchist, no debate there. He is a freedom fighter, and humanity just doesn’t know he is their greatest ally. He is many different things, and it really depends on who you ask. Above all, he’s adaptable.
Very little is known about Erik as a child, but it is believed he was born in Canada. He then moved to Austria when he was a small child, then spent time in Denmark and Germany. Records indicate he received a Master’s degree in Engineering from RWTH Aachen University in Germany when he was 13 years old, and to this day, the youngest graduate of that prestigious university. And that was the last degree he received before deciding that the structure of the university system was too constrictive.
Between the age of 13 until well into his 40s, there is a significant gap in the record. Rumors place him in Sweden raising a family. Still others tell tales of him wandering through the deserts of Africa on hunting safaris with the Bedouins. One crazy rumor indicated he was learning the ways of the ascetics in India. A reliable first-hand account complete with one very out-of-focus picture is of him hiking the mountains between Bolivia and Chile when he was about 30 years old. Whatever the story, it’s clear that Erik’s past is much less relevant than his future.
In his 40s, he obtained an official post with the Communist Party of the People’s Republic of China to head of their cyber-security division and thwart outside intrusion. It’s believed that Erik was also instrumental in developing hacking technology. The Chinese position: the technology is only to test our network security. The American position: you are using that technology to hack the networks of other countries and companies. Erik’s position: if you have a technology, it’s important to test it out in many different, real-world scenarios.
Erik was also instrumental in developing banking and stock exchange software that helped ensure stability of the Chinese currency. The Chinese position: the software ensures proper tracking and reporting of the value of our currency. The American position: you are using that software to help manipulate the value of your currency and devalue it to increase the U.S. trade deficit with China. Erik’s position: it’s a very sophisticated system — lots of numbers — you wouldn’t really understand it.
By all accounts, Erik’s advice and assistance has been well received in China.
At the same time that Erik was working in China, he started, under the name James Danvers, a global non-profit organization, Population implosion Advocacy Agency, or nicknamed PiAA (pronounced like the Spanish dish, paella). Through both a newsletter and online blog, the group advocated the reversal of the world population explosion, or the movement that is referred to as negative population growth (NPG). Both to prevent destruction of the environment and reduce wars, most of which can be directly attributed to over-population, the Agency put forth some radical suggestions. Among these, allow nature to take its course and let plagues or other infectious outbreaks spread, especially to regions or areas where the people did not believe there was a problem or people avoided modern medicine because of religious beliefs. James Danvers was quoted in an interview on the BBC as saying “if people don’t immunize their children, let the children die. It will help remove mental deficiencies from the gene pool.” PiAA also put forth a belief that the Chinese population control system could be improved and should be exported to most large developed nations. Their most radical proposal indicated that having children shouldn’t be a right, nor should it be easy. All people should be sterilized at youth, then be required to pass a form of standardized test when they are at least 21 years old to be able to have the privilege to have children, and have that sterilization reversed only if they pass the test and could ensure they have the resources to raise a child. PiAA was a growing non-profit under Erik’s leadership.
But in actuality, PiAA was only a front organization that was created to launder money that Erik was siphoning off of national banking systems which is his real reason for working on banking software. But the purpose of hacking into banks isn’t to get rich — he already has great wealth — it’s to create a complex bug in the global banking network that will ultimately bring about the downfall of the global economy. He is, after all, an anarchist and that is his true goal.
Erik is fluent in multiple languages, including German, English, Mandarin Chinese, Spanish, French, Danish, and possibly others. Native speakers in those languages are impressed that Erik speaks with hardly an accent at all.
Most recently, Erik’s assignment with the Chinese government has changed and he has been moved to a highly classified research division, the SRSC. The Chinese government has learned that there are individuals in their population, at least three people that they know of, but conceivably more, who have unusual mental abilities. The SRSC have attempted to collect as much information as possible, but they have met road-blocks, partly from skepticism in their own government, partly from skepticism from other nations, but also because individuals with the powers are presumably keeping them a secret.
Among other things, the SRSC is attempting to learn about these powers, which include telepathy, but also they tasked Erik with studying and proposing means, whether technological or biological, to block the brain waves generated by their subjects to stop their telepathic ability.
Now, Erik is working with a woman, Liu Lei, who has telepathy and is in charge of the study. She has a daughter, Regina, who also has telepathy and is actively working for the Chinese government using her ability. The other subject with telepathy seems less than enthusiastic to be a participant in the study. Yan Jing spent years in a Chinese mental institution and was initially believed to be schizophrenic, but Liu Lei confirmed that he has telepathy, albeit he is unable to effectively filter out the “voices” he hears (which are actually the thoughts of people near him). Lei worked with him to train him how to use his ability and filter out the thoughts. It worked, although Jing’s participation in the research was not voluntary.
The Chinese government trained Jing to be a spy and he was sent on a covert mission to North Korea. Jing has gone missing and the Chinese believe he is planning to defect to the United States. Finding Jing has become a top priority for the Chinese and it has Lei concerned as well. Erik is unconcerned. He has a different agenda, which the Chinese will learn about soon enough.
Since telepathy operates from actively or passively directed brain waves, which in turn operate on measurable frequencies, there may be a way to enhance or replicate this ability through some form of technology.
Exceptional Ability: Perception of alternate realities during lucid dreaming and deep meditation.
Character introduced in Book 1, Chapter 1.
Lauren Canella is a close friend of Brynn Harris and provides moral support and comfort to Brynn as Brynn struggles to cope with her power and the hardships she has to endure because of it.
Character introduced in Book 1, Chapter 3.
Later, Lauren meets Marnie Vega and they embark on a journey together to find their lost loved ones.
Exceptional Ability: Latent telepathy and, due to prolonged exposure to telepathic activity, she is aware when it’s being used on her.
Exceptional Ability: None. Much like Dr. Morris, he has been studying mental exceptionals — he refers to them as “Genuine Psychics” — for years, although his reason for studying them is to publish their stories in the Psychic Monthly Journal and on websites and in social media articles.
Character introduced in Book 1, Chapter 10.
Exceptional Ability: None, though he has been exposed to telepathic contact for many years. He has the ability to know when he is being telepathically observed, also known as telepathic sensitivity.
Character introduced in Book 1, Chapter 7.
Dr. Daniel Trent is a protege of Dr. Morris and has a background in the same medical fields as Dr. Morris (neuroscience and genetics).
The mother of Marnie Vega, Margaret is kidnapped causing Marnie to set off on a quest to find her.
Exceptional Ability: None, but the mix-up between her and her daughter leads to the dangerous situation in which she’s found herself.
Jeremy is an expatriate who left the U.S. to avoid the public humiliation he suffered when he introduced to the world, via a documentary, what he thought were genuine psychics — people with real psychic abilities, but later found out that they were frauds.
Character introduced in Book 1, Chapter 5.
Jeremy becomes Marnie Vega’s unwitting sidekick as she searches for her kidnapped mother. He also learns that he wasn’t completely incorrect about the psychics and he may yet be vindicated.
Exceptional Ability: Pre-telepathic and, due to prolonged exposure to telepathic activity, he is aware when it’s being used on him.
Exceptional Ability: Distal (long-range) telepathy. This is an observation rather than communication form of telepathy, which is why it may more accurately be called clairvoyance.
Character introduced in Book 1, Prologue.
When he was a child growing up in Phoenix, Arizona, Wilson believed he was destined to do great things. And his mother reinforced this belief by encouraging him to dream big. She doted on her only child. Unfortunately, Wilson never had a direction for his dreams or a clear goal. He usually knew what he didn’t want to do rather than what he wanted to do. He was always looking for the shortcut rather than setting a realistic goal then working toward it. He also had to fight against pervasive depression which was very prevalent in his family.
In high school, his life took a dramatic turn. He was socially awkward, as most high schoolers tend to be, and, again as many high schoolers do, attempted to join in with a group to try to fit in and find himself. He fell in with the school stoners. Already an average student, his grades fell as the quantity of drugs he used increased.
One night during his junior year in high school, while he was under the influence of a combination of marijuana, vicodin, and amphetamines, he had an unusual dream. He was suddenly “in the head of” a classmate — Angie, a girl with whom he was acquainted and attracted to. He could see what she was seeing and hear what she was saying. He woke up the next morning with a severe migraine-related headache and couldn’t get out of bed. He continued to experiment with drugs and lucid dreaming and found he could concentrate and choose to whom he could see through. Soon, he could view people without drugs, just by controlled dreaming. Wilson’s obsession with Angie in particular caused him to attempt to sleep often to follow her in his dreams, which caused him to have almost continuous migraines, which caused him to use pain relievers more often. Until he ran out.
The migraines, and the lack of sufficient medical care to address the symptoms, caused him to miss a great deal of school. His parents became concerned and he did not tell them what caused the migraines, only that they had just started and that they seemed to become more frequent. His parents took Wilson to a doctor, who referred him to specialists. After doing brain scans, they discovered a small tumor on the occipital lobe of his brain. They attempted to treat it with conventional methods — radiation in this case — without success. One of the specialists recognized this type of rare tumor as something that Dr. Morris had been working with, so referred Wilson to him.
Dr. Morris immediately began his consultation by asking Wilson if his migraines were associated with unusual visions. Wilson was surprised — he was not aware anyone would know about his ability or that anyone else might have this power. At first Wilson was not forthright about his power, but then relented when Dr. Morris told Wilson that he could sense something from Wilson. Wilson then told Dr. Morris everything he knew. Dr. Morris didn’t tell Wilson about his other patients with similar powers, only that other people who had these abilities did exist.
Wilson stayed at Dr. Morris’ facility for a few weeks so tests could be run on him and he could learn some ways to better control his ability. In that time, curiosity got the better of him and he decided to “watch” Dr. Morris. It was very eye-opening. Wilson saw other patients and their records — people with all sorts of odd abilities, including others like him. For the next few days, and with a seemingly endless supply of prescription pain-killers, Wilson began viewing others who had this strange power. More surprisingly, he could view people who the telepaths were viewing to create a kind of strange telepathic leap frog. He was enjoying this new sight and all the potential it held. And then he came across Kamal.
Although he was only linked to Kamal briefly, Wilson received an overwhelming rush of sights and attempts to contact his mind. He woke up a week later from a coma and the realization that his ability was lost. Unfortunately, he still had a tumor and migraine-related headaches to go along with it.
Wilson was released from Dr. Morris’ medical facility with plans to return annually to check on his tumor. Devastated by the loss of his ability, Wilson found little of interest at home and at school. At the beginning of his senior year and shortly after turning 18, Wilson dropped out of high school. Much to the dismay of his parents, who he never told about his ability and subsequent loss of it, Wilson left home to stay with friends.
In and out of low wage service jobs, Wilson supplemented his income with petty theft to help support his drug habit, which became an effective way for him to cope with losing his ability and losing any sense of uniqueness or goals he may have had. He began to experiment with stronger drugs and became hooked on and off of methamphetamines, pain-killers, you name it. He started dealing drugs and found he was pretty good at this.
Years went by this way. He grew apart from his family and lost touch with Dr. Morris. Depression set in. One day, he looked around himself, his dingy studio apartment, and realized he had nothing. A high school yearbook when he was a junior reminded him of his friends and the realization that they are no longer in his life. He had no friends now. Nobody would miss him if he was gone. So, he decided it would be a good day to take a larger dose than normal. He swallowed a bottle of pills and went to sleep. If it hadn’t been for a candle left burning that set off a smoke detector, causing the neighbors to complain to management, who entered his apartment, Wilson would be dead.
Wilson was standing below what appeared to be a building or a column. It was shimmering blue. The black ground was moving and shaking. The sky was dark around him and it was as though he was in a great rocky desert. It was just him and this thing, this column or whatever it was. And it seemed to be expanding and getting taller. It was going to crush him or, it was crazy he knew, but it was like it was trying to absorb him. Wilson began screaming and wakes up shaking and convulsing. He’s in a hospital bed. He has just been revived from an overdose and is being treated.
The doctors ask him about his medical history. He tells them he was a patient of Dr. Morris, who they cannot locate. Then he mentions Dr. Trent and they are able to talk with Dr. Trent. Dr. Trent calls Wilson and Wilson has some exciting news to share with him — his ability appears to have returned! Unfortunately, those nightmares seem to have come with it. They are recurring and very disturbing.
Patient E-M-017 (Wilson Childs) has concurrent, distal (long-range), occipital and temporal, delta wave-based telepathy. He can see and hear what other people are seeing and hearing in present time while he’s sleeping. Doing this causes him intense migraines, which he treats with both prescription and illegal drugs.
He has a Morris telepathic power rank value of medium.
Update by Dr. Trent: Wilson has been treated multiple times for drug use and once for attempted suicide. At one time, he appeared to lose his telepathic ability, but now suddenly it has resurfaced along with disturbing dreams.
Exceptional Ability: Much faster than average mental chronometry (reaction time).
Character introduced in Book 1, Chapter 29.
Raised on American action movies, especially Westerns, Behrokh Jarrah dreamed of becoming the fastest gun in the East, if not the world. By the age of 18, his considerable fast draw skill and nearly super-human reflexes took him to competitions away from his native Iran to places all over South Asia and the Middle East. While Persian gunslingers are somewhat rare, what he learned was even more rare was getting any meaningful (monetary) reward from his fast draw pursuits. After almost 10 years of this endeavor, he found that he could use a real income. During his soul searching about job searching, a contact from the Misra family approached him and told him about a way he could put his knowledge of guns and his fast reflexes to good use. It sounded reasonable.
Ten years after joining up with the Misra family, and 214 bodies later, he just keeps getting better at this job. What it lacks in fame, it makes up for in fortune, and Behrokh is a very rich, very skilled assassin. He also likes a good challenge, and since money isn’t as motivational anymore, a strong challenge can be very rewarding. Ok, money isn’t as motivational, but it’s still important.
He’s now in the United States. He likes “hunting” in the United States. He finds it’s easy to get quality guns in the U.S. and many of them — his guns are disposable. Once you shoot someone, it’s best to drop the gun and walk away. And to get guns in the U.S., all you need to be able to do is speak decent English and use the Internet. Knowledge of some Western film terminology is also helpful with the locals. And quality ammunition right over the counter at many stores? This must be what Native Americans referred to as the happy hunting ground!
A firm believer in the advantage chewing gum confers on him, he’s never without a stick when he’s working.
With Sandesh gone, his target is Rasada, one of Sandesh’s confidantes and someone the family believes may talk to Homeland Security. Next on the list is Brynne Vaness. She’s either going to be taking over for Sandesh or she’s going to be 216.
Measured results for reaction time consistently place Behrokh Jarrah’s in the 110ms to 130ms range which makes him the most consistent human being with regard to reaction time.
Though Dr. Morris did not study Behrokh, he was made aware of Behrokh’s case history by a colleague.
Michael is the significant other of Rachel LaTour.
Character introduced in Book 1, Chapter 11.
Exceptional Ability: None. He’s the boyfriend and co-worker of Rachel LaTour. He becomes drawn into the anxiety and issues Rachel has when she shares her experiences with telepathy.
Exceptional Ability: Neuromagnetoreception. This is the ability to detect the electromagnetic fields in people who generate strong brain waves — in other words, those who are mental exceptionals. In her sleep, Lex can locate mental exceptionals anywhere in the world.
Character introduced in Book 1, Chapter 37.
Exceptional Ability: no apparent trait currently. Eventually, she gains the ability to know when she is being telepathically observed, also known as telepathic sensitivity.
Exceptional Ability: no apparent trait currently. Eventually, she gains the ability to know when she is being telepathically observed, also known as telepathic sensitivity.
Character introduced in Book 1, Chapter 50.
All work and no play. A very serious woman who takes her job seriously and believes it is her role to stamp out any perceived threat to the United States. Far from being “evil” she is a key antagonist to Brynne due in large part to her single (narrow) mindedness. She simply does not believe that Brynne can see the future and believes other motives are at play. Her first name, Cathryn, is never referenced in the dialogue of Part 1, nor does anyone she knows call her that — it’s just “A.D. Grant”.
At work, her department was asked to complete the Myers-Briggs test. Her result was an ISTJ. She follows the rules, but she is able to formulate some solid inductive theories when analyzing evidence and witnessing a crime scene. She’s also very effective at surrounding herself with competent people.
A.D. Grant is a workaholic. Her most natural environment is behind a desk and specifically behind her laptop screen. She had one long-term relationship years ago, but she still can’t fathom what the problem was. So she works a lot — don’t men like it when women have something to do and somewhere to be? Ultimately, interpersonal relationships insert an unpredictable element into a very carefully controlled lifestyle. Why bother?
Originally assigned to the F.B.I., A.D. Grant was re-assigned by choice to Homeland Security, although retained the ability to chose and utilize trusted agents from the F.B.I. to fulfill her missions, not the least of which is hunting down the Misra family, particularly their enigmatic leader, Nandan. The clever capture of Mardav Misra was a major victory.
A.D. Grant is deeply loyal to her agency and especially her team. When her team is attacked in Episode 5, she strikes back in force, like a queen bee sending out its swarm of drones to destroy the threat.
After capturing and interrogating another associate of the Misra family, her world-view is shaken. Can there really be people out there who can read minds and see the future? She’s a rational person. She’s a skeptical person. It takes some convincing, but she finally begins to believe it.
She is very disturbed to learn that telepathy is real, but she eventually learns that she can sense when her mind is being telepathically contacted. This causes her to implement an ingenious plan to thwart Brynne’s power; ingenious, but life-altering. A.D. Grant will not be a pawn in this game of telepaths. She’s no ordinary federal employee of the U.S. government!
“The evidence suggests that the longer individuals are exposed to telepathic powers, their own telepathic ability, however latent, may well improve, if they are already genetically predisposed to this mental trait. Even if they have no genetic propensity, they may indeed begin to sense when their mind is being contacted or invaded by telepathy. I am now incontrovertibly able to sense telepathic power.” — Dr. Morris
Lei works with Erik von Trapp on research for the Chinese government. Their research subject: Telepathy.
Character introduced in Book 1, Chapter 42.
Her daughter is Regina Liu, also a telepath, who vanishes after a chance meeting with Dr. Jean Speerel.
Exceptional Ability: Proximal (short-range), observational telepathy, also commonly known as mind-reading. This is the most common and typical form of telepathy, however the strength exhibited by different individuals varies widely.
Her name was not originally Kate, but it is the name given to her by Radha Misra after Radha acquired Kate from her family in Myanmar. Radha paid a large sum of money and spent considerable Misra family resources to acquire this girl and traffic her out of Myanmar and into Thailand and, from there, to India. Considering Kate’s high level mental ability, Radha believes Kate was worth the investment.
Character introduced in Book 1, Chapter 62.
Exceptional Ability: Passive, proximal (short-range), suppressive telepathy.
We believe there are individuals who have passive, proximal (short-range), suppressive telepathy. They cannot read minds, however they constantly produce telepathic brain waves that cancel out telepathic activity. It is theorized that a person with passive cancellation might be able to do this in their sleep as well. This means that this type of suppressive telepathy can cancel out beta wave-based and delta wave-based telepathy. Perhaps they may even be able to cancel out gamma wave-based telepathy (which is telepathy that can affect emotions).
Born in Indonesia, her parents soon moved to the United States after her father found employment there and based on the advice of physicians who recognized their daughter needed specialized care that could only be found in the West. While playing with her younger brother when she was 6 years old, she discharged a static electrical shock into him that stopped his heart and resulted in his death. From that point on, her parents realized they had no alternative but to send her away.
Character introduced in Book 1, Chapter 96.
Inaccurately diagnosed with epilepsy as a small child, Jintana spent most of her life in the care of Dr. Morris’ team when all other medical options and diagnoses failed. When she turned 16, an Enfeld Bionomics employee visiting her at Dr. Morris’ facility was killed when he was working with her. While the findings did not prove guilt on her part, she was deemed a risk to herself and others.
Exceptional Ability: Extreme polarization of cell membranes causing her to generate a bioelectrical field (and even sparks) that must be externally depolarized (i.e., externally grounded).
At all times, Jintana carries with her a grounding pole that doubles as a cane to help her walk when she has difficulty. Jintana’s cells generate a significant hyperpolarized electrical potential which will discharge from her body to objects around her if she doesn’t take precautions to ground herself. Based on a brief consultation with medical staff from Enfeld Bionomics, she has learned that she has some control over the direction and intensity of charge flow in and from her body. Depending on her electrolyte levels at the time of hyperpolarization, were she to touch someone or they to touch her, the shock can be anywhere between mildly painful to life-threatening. Researchers and doctors working with her have often commented that they can feel a tingling sensation that emanates from a bioelectrical field that surrounds her from time to time.
Jintana has a fatalistic outlook on life which could be construed as very cynical or negative. Doctors she has seen have always been candid about the effects of her condition: neurodegeneration and damage to her nervous system. She is aware that her condition is life-threatening and her life-span probably short. She has grown physically more frail over time. Yet she is very concerned for the well-being of others and an extremely ethical, caring person. Her inability to have physical contact with other people has caused her to withdraw from most relationships. That is, until she meets Vivienne Hayley, and, while they immediately have personality conflicts, she and Vivienne learn that Vivienne may well be the one person on Earth who Jintana can touch without hurting.
Patient E-P-022 (Jintana Visalyaputra) has a rare if not unique condition of extreme hyperpolarization of her cell membranes and the necessity to externally depolarize herself to return to a cellular resting state. She must also take almost daily injections of electrolytes and copper supplements. The dosage of copper required to sustain her is often 100 to 500 times the normal human daily requirement and a dosage that would prove toxic to everyone else.
The patient was in our care from just after age 8 until age 20 when she was placed in her own home that was specially built to house her. Prior to determining the nature of her physiology (we discovered her unique metabolic condition at age 8), she spent the entirety of her youth having frequent seizures that were misdiagnosed as epilepsy, then Menkes disease. Between her seventh birthday until we stabilized her condition shortly after she turned 8, she suffered a prolonged, continuous seizure for over one year.
Exceptional Ability: Proximal (short-range), insinuative empathy. He can project his emotions rather than his thoughts. This is a one-way communication form of telepathy.
Exceptional Ability: Distal (long-range), communicative telepathy. This is a rare if not unique form of communication telepathy.
The patient, known only as Kamal, is a long-term resident of Graybriar Institute in New York state. He was named “Kamal” by medical staff and has likely origins in North Africa, though he is unable to answer questions or communicate and seems unaware of his surroundings. He will occasionally speak, though his sentences are often incoherent rambles. Medical staff have documented that he apparently knows at least 12 distinct languages, including English, Arabic, Chinese, Spanish, German and many others they couldn’t identify. His age and place of birth remain a mystery.
He was located living in a cargo container on the South Coast of France and barely alive and didn’t appear capable of taking care of himself. From there he was taken to Switzerland, then later to the Graybriar Institute for Mental Care.
Kamal was originally diagnosed with schizophrenia and exhibits the classic symptoms of that disorder. But when exposed to telepathy, his power is clear. He is the only known long-range telepath who is capable of projecting and reading the thoughts of others at great distances while awake, and his power is of a sufficient rank and intensity that it can harm other telepaths. His power comes with a devastating side-effect: he is unable to filter out telepathic thoughts or contact and he hears the thoughts of other telepaths, all over the world, on an ongoing basis.
Kamal came to the attention of Dr. Donald Trent, a colleague of Dr. Morris, who had a former patient with telepathy who discussed Kamal with him. To learn more about Kamal, Dr. Trent brought with him a proximal, low rank, telepath. While observing and attempting to communicate with Kamal, the proximal telepath was struck unconscious and completely and permanently lost his telepathic ability. Although Kamal was brought to the attention of Dr. Morris, Dr. Morris believed it would be unsafe to relocate Kamal to his facility due to the effects he would have on other telepaths and that they might have on him as well.
Dr. Jean Speerel has been aware of Kamal for the past few months thanks to information provided by her new friend, Dr. Trent. She has been looking forward to learning all she can about who Kamal is in contact with, and if it’s at all possible to filter out the voices. She’s probably the only person in the world who may be able to assist given her telepathic prowess. She also cleverly considers the possibility that another telepath could be used to provide a buffer, but that has never been attempted.
On her first visit to Kamal, she learned two things: without assistance, she is not immune to his power, and it will take her quite some time to recover. Secondly, and most shockingly, she now shares a secret that only her and Kamal are aware of — there is a strong telepathic presence on Earth that is in contact with Kamal and is trying to communicate with him. And it isn’t human.
Though not studied directly by Dr. Morris, Kamal is believed to have concurrent, distal (long-range), occipital and temporal, alpha wave-based telepathy. He is the only known telepath with this specific combination of traits. To his detriment, Kamal is unable to control it or filter out the telepathic communication he receives and he apparently can hear the telepathic conversations of many if not all telepaths currently on Earth at the same time. It’s not a large number of people, but even if it’s around three hundred people, the maximum number of telepaths that Dr. Morris estimates there are, it’s an overwhelming chorus of competing voices in his head.
The intensity of Kamal’s projected thoughts is so great, that it will cause brain damage to other telepaths in his presence.
He is believed to have a Morris telepathic power rank value of high.
Exceptional Ability: no apparent trait, though he has been exposed to telepathic contact for many years. He has the ability to know when he is being telepathically observed, also known as telepathic sensitivity.
Character introduced in Book 1, Chapter 7.
Out of an abundance of caution, Dr. Glenn Morris has done his best to remove all traces of his identity and whereabouts from public and private records. Even his close associate, Dr. Donald Trent, is no longer in contact with Dr. Morris. The last, best guess as to his whereabouts was Switzerland, but no attempt has yet been made to confirm this rumor.
Dr. Morris is a medical doctor with an interest in biomedical research, particularly of unusual and unique patients. He coined the term “Exceptionals” to describe individuals with unique physical or mental abilities. He worked with these subjects for most of his career. He has both studied Exceptionals and created terminology to label their abilities. For those who have telepathic ability, he created a ranking scale to indicate their level of power and how they rank in comparison to others with similar abilities.
His last patient, Kura Maruyama, is the reason he is now in hiding.
“Exceptionals can be extremely dangerous and precautions should be taken when dealing with them. The unethical ones who have harnessed their abilities and use those abilities without regard to the safety of others, or worse, when they attempt to use others with their abilities, pose a significant threat to the general public.” — Dr. Morris
“It seems strange, and I have no way of logically proving this, but all telepaths, and perhaps all Exceptionals with mental and physical abilities, eventually come together. It’s very likely that they are seeking answers about themselves and stumble upon others with similar abilities. Or perhaps there is some genetic drive, some evolutionary pull, that attracts them to each other.” — Dr. Morris
Exceptional Ability: Proximal (short-range), insinuative visual telepathy. He can project visions of whatshe’s seen into the minds of other people, including non-telepaths.
Character introduced in Book 1, Chapter 84.
Gauthier previously lived in the Walloon Region of Belgium with his family on their farm which resides south of the city of Namur. The Renne family did not allowed Gauthier to associate with anyone outside the family since he was a small child due to his telepathic ability, which had the effect of frightening others, both children and adults. He was home-schooled and worked on his family farm tending animals. Though he has the ability to speak in his native language, French, Gauthier has limited linguistic skills and prefers to communicate telepathically. His family has encouraged this, but only with family members since it’s a closely guarded secret. Though he is an adult, his emotional and psychological maturity is considerably younger.
With his parents aging and growing concerned for what happens to Gauthier when they pass away, the Renne family did allow a group of researchers from Dr. Morris’ team to visit the farm and study Gauthier to determine if there was some cure for him or a way to make him more normal. Unable to complete all the studies on the farm, the Renne family begrudgingly allowed Gauthier to visit Dr. Morris’ facility. It was eye-opening for both Gauthier and Dr. Morris who had, up to that point, never recorded or experienced insinuative telepathy of that magnitude. Gauthier also experienced something new there — he met another insinuative, an 18 year old Kenyan woman, Sabriyya Azzi, who could also project images into the minds of others. They spent days on and off together doing what, in telepathic circles, could be described as very intimate activity: they shared their memories with each other.
After studying Gauthier for several weeks, Dr. Morris’ team determined, while very telepathically powerful, Gauthier was otherwise normal. Gauthier’s parents were frustrated by that diagnosis, but accepted it. Gauthier went back to the Renne family farm and his usual life. He and Sabriyya promised to stay in touch, but without a common language or long-distance telepathy, this proved difficult.
Gauthier is traumatized when he sees his family killed and he is forcibly taken from his home by unknown assailants.
Patient E-M-028 (Gauthier Renne) has occipital and limbic, proximal, alpha wave-oriented telepathy which allows him to read the sight (not thoughts) of others including what other people are currently viewing. He can also read sight memory, in other words, Gauthier can read, from their memories, what people have seen in the past and remembered, particularly those sights that have left a strong impression. Additionally, he has insinuative, proximal (short-range), occipital telepathy, which is the ability to project what he has seen (or retrieved from others) into the minds of anyone else. This is both an observation and communication form of telepathy.
It is very unusual for a telepath to demonstrate two distinctly different abilities.
He has a Morris telepathic power rank value of high.
Exceptional Ability: Proximal (short-range), insinuative visual telepathy. She can project visions of what she’s seen into the minds of other people, including non-telepaths.
Character introduced in Book 1, Chapter 84.
Being part of a Muslim family in the predominantly Christian Kenya wasn’t always easy. Sabriyya’s family navigated the cultural complications well, and her childhood was comfortable and her religion was paramount.
Her parents were aware of her ability when she was young. They believed it to be a “gift from God” and saw it as a miracle. They were concerned that if word spread of this gift, their daughter might be exposed to ideas and influences outside their religious teachings, so they kept this a secret. But a secret like this is hard to contain, especially by Sabriyya who was an extrovert and enjoyed meeting new people.
When she was 14, she shared the visions with a girl from her school, and the girl told her father who was a medical doctor and an instructor at a nearby university. He was skeptical, but asked Sabriyya to share visions with him while she was visiting one day. He was shocked and contacted her parents. They implored him to keep this secret. He agreed not to say who she was, but he began to research and ask around with his colleagues. Soon enough, he was referred to Dr. Morris, and a team of researchers came to visit and eventually they were able to persuade Sabriyya’s parent’s to allow her to speak with them.
Impressed with her ability and enthusiasm, they asked her parents if Sabriyya could come with them to visit Dr. Morris. Her parents forbade it. The researchers left and that seemed to be that. Sabriyya was very upset that she couldn’t learn more about her power, but she wasn’t deterred. For the next four years, she kept bringing up the idea to her parents until, when she was 18 years old, they finally relented. Not only did she have a mental ability, but she had a strong will, too!
Her mother went with her, and they both were amazed by what they saw and experienced at Dr. Morris’ facility. There were other people there with unusual abilities. And then Sabriyya met Gauthier Renne and she didn’t realize it at the time, she had no comparison, but she fell in love with him.
After she returned home, her life settled back into her routine. She helped the family, raised her cousins, but kept dreaming of Gauthier and the beautiful visions he shared with her. Time passed, but her feelings didn’t change. It wasn’t an option — he wasn’t an option. Her only option was to be wed to a Muslim man from her community. Her parents would have it no other way.
She got into the habit of going to the market on Wednesdays and picking up fresh fish and vegetables for her family on those days. She walks through a secluded alley — a shortcut — when a man she didn’t recognize approaches her. He has a rough look. She looks away and he starts to pass her then grabs her from behind and pulls her into a doorway.
It’s dark. She tries to scream but he covers her mouth. He squeezes her throat — she can’t breathe — she tries to scream again and can’t…
Patient E-M-026 (Sabriyya Aziz) has insinuative, proximal (short-range), occipital telepathy, which is the ability to project what she has seen into the minds of anyone else. This is a one-way communication form of telepathy.
She has a Morris telepathic power rank value of medium.
Exceptional Ability: Proximal (short-range), insinuative empathy. She can project her emotions rather than her thoughts. This is a one-way communication form of telepathy.
Mentioned in Book 1, Chapter 118. Character will be introduced in Book 2.
Ashley Fuller grew up in Luton, England. As a member of the Black British community, and coming from a single parent, low income household, her life was not as easy as some of her classmates. It was made more difficult as a result of her mental power. She and her family were unaware of her unusual ability, and perhaps her own ignorance of it played a significant role in the havoc it wreaked around her.
During primary school was the first “episode” she could recall — her anger at another student was transferred to that student and those around her causing a fight to break out and most students attacking her classmate, sending that classmate and another to the hospital in serious condition. These spontaneous outpourings of intense emotion in the people around her continued with disturbing regularity. In some cases, she’d find herself in mobs of over-joyous celebratory students, but at other times, fights ensued.
When she was 14 years old, her life completely changed. She suffered from undiagnosed depression. During a particularly dark mood, brought on by feelings of rejection from a boy, she contemplated suicide. Unfortunately, during this episode, her 15 year old sister attempted suicide, along with her mother who not only attempted suicide, but succeeded. It was at that time, Ashley realized she might be the cause, but had no way to explain this.
She and her sister were placed in foster homes following the death of her mother. Her mood worsened and the depression intensified. When she was 15, her sister ran away believing Ashley was indeed “bad luck”. Ashley was continually rejected from one foster home after another — she didn’t trust them and took an immediate dislike to them, and they, in turn, felt the same way about her. Not surprisingly, they always felt exactly how she felt. She attempted suicide during this period, too, and was sent to a mental institution for treatment.
A young doctor, Dr. Draper, at the mental institution that Ashley was sent to, noticed something very strange — when she would have counseling sessions with Ashley, she could definitely sense that her mood was affected by Ashley’s mood, particularly after Ashley had just taken antidepressant medication or when the medication was wearing off. It happened with such predictability that Dr. Draper knew it was no coincidence. Dr. Draper spoke to her colleagues about her observations, to which her colleagues reactions were predictable: Dr. Draper was being ridiculous. Dr. Draper, undeterred by their skepticism, began to research similar cases in medical journals, and came across an obscure and indirect reference to a patient in Switzerland who seemed to “project his emotional state on those around him as though it was some sort of chemical or biological transference”. The doctors who observed that patient came up with several far-fetched hypotheses, all of which they self-dismissed. Eventually, the patient, who was voluntarily admitted, was subsequently released since they had no grounds to continue holding him.
Dr. Draper saw that there were follow up notations and questions from an American team of doctors led by a medical researcher, Dr. Morris. These Americans seemed to have more information and were seeking some specifics about the Swiss case. Dr. Draper made inquiries and eventually was able to speak with Dr. Morris directly. Ashley was ultimately sent to Dr. Morris’ facility for specialized treatment.
Patient E-M-029 (Ashley Fuller) has proximal (short-range), frontal, limbic, gamma wave-based, insinuative empathy. The effect of her ability is that she can insinuate or project her emotional state into the minds of those around her. She is unable to direct or control her telepathy, and it usually occurs when she is tired, emotionally distraught, or not able or willing to actively control her emotions.
Because so many of the conflicts she’s been in have arisen because of strong negative emotions, that appears to be her outlook and orientation. Keeping her in positive spirits is a necessity if she is going to be living in the general population.
Dr. Morris made an unusual personal note about Ashley: “She lacks a sense of belonging that affects her attitude. It makes one wonder that if she was a more positive person, or perceived that she was viewed as a more attractive person by others, or if she was not a member of an economically depressed ethnic minority while growing up, would she have the same outlook.”
She has a Morris telepathic power rank value of medium.
Exceptional Ability: Proximal (short-range), insinuative memory telepathy. She can implant ideas that seem like memories into the minds of others.
Character will be introduced in Book 2.
More than one producer, after hiring the mediocre actress, Maruyama Kura, to perform a lead role in their high budget project, asks themselves, “what was I thinking?” The answer: it’s what she was thinking.
As long as she can remember, Maruyama Kura, from Yokohama, Japan, has had the power to control the thoughts of people by implanting ideas into their memories. She can’t read minds like classic telepaths, but her power is perhaps more potent. She can make suggestions that most people, at least temporarily to one degree or another, will follow.
Spoiled is an understatement. Kura always got her way and she was the focus of her parents’ attention and adoration, much to the annoyance and frustration of her older siblings. When she was 8 years old, her mother became wise to this trick — apparently, she developed an immunity after prolonged exposure — and told Kura not to do it and warned her that if other people found out about it, she could get into serious trouble. So, this ability could stop functioning on a person if she used it too much? She would have to use it only when absolutely necessary, and it was necessary more frequently than you would imagine.
By the time she entered secondary school, she knew she wanted to be an actress. Given her special ability, it wasn’t so much a question of hard work or acting skill, but rather knowing who was the person who could make the casting decision. Before leaving secondary school, she started to appear in local advertisements then on local talk and game shows. Popularity, it seems, was less a function of quality, but rather quantity. The more she was seen, the more she would be seen. Kura was very difficult to work with. Everyone complained about her, both cast and crew, but people seemed to still bend over backward for her, which made those who weren’t willing to do things for her or who weren’t willing anymore to be either envious or critical. She was popular, but she was despised by many in the business. Of course, she perceived this as jealousy, and in some quarters this was accurate, but the issue of fairness or lack of it didn’t enter into her mind.
Kura eventually moved to Tokyo proper, and entered a fine arts college to pursue an acting degree, but was concerned that it would take so much time, which would be best spent on actually acting in movies. Her acting, specifically her performances, started out very poor, and when she did act in films that were reviewed, the reviews tended to be very critical of her. It didn’t matter, she’d still work, but it bothered her. She would make attempts at getting training through classes or workshops, but inevitably quit early. She would always fall back on her old, easy ways. To make herself feel better, she surrounded herself with people with especially weak wills who she could tell exactly what to do to please her. Followers came and went, but there were always more to use. The sheer amount of acting work she did and exposure to real actors did improve her own ability, but she was a Tokyo A-lister without A-lister skills.
On her 26th birthday, Kura was at a party in her honor, and she found herself getting bored with all the sycophants around her and she decided to go out to a club. By that time, she was very well known, and going anywhere usually caused her to get noticed and approached. She found a seat that the occupier graciously gave up to her, and after she sat, they began approaching — the fans and the curious others. Like ping-pong balls, they approached and she told them to wander away, and off they bounced. Except for one.
That night, a young man, maybe just about the minimum age to be in the club, approached her as she was sitting in the prime seat for being seen. She told him to go away. He didn’t. He thought she was joking. She looked at him and more forcefully implanted the idea — she didn’t have to speak to make it happen. He looked at her curiously. She got angry and told him to get her a drink. He said “no” forcefully back. “You’re rude!” he shot back at her and walked off. She got up and followed him. It was unheard of for someone to not at least partially fall under her spell. They never so forcefully refused her when the request was so minor. It should be noted that long before then, she determined that simple requests were harder to deny, particularly if the request didn’t violate some moral or ethical principle of the target. But this young man rejected the most basic of requests. He was worth further study.
Kura followed him out of the bar. He was definitely annoyed by her. She ran up to him and feigned sorrow. Still annoyed. Then she stopped and profusely apologized. It was her birthday, she explained, and she was having a terrible day. He listened and offered a “no problem.” She wondered if he wouldn’t mind joining her for a small gathering at her home. Shinichi, he offered his name, was surprised by the invitation, and he accepted. She immediately found a person to take them to her place. Shinichi observed how she found a stranger literally off the street to drive them and commented, “can you always talk people into doing anything for you?” She smiled and laughed with him. She was not amused.
When they arrived at her place, there were people there. They were her “Men and Women Who Wait”, particularly malleable sycophants who waited around her place for as long as she wanted and cleaned up and ran errands for her. The party started as she requested and people danced and enjoyed themselves. Shinichi sat quietly in a chair sipping a drink and watching. Kura sat with him and enjoyed a drink with him. Hers contained no alcohol. After a few drinks, she started in again. It was like a frustrating fencing match: she’d thrust in a suggestion and miss, thrust, miss… Usually, when someone was even a little drunk, they would break. She kept talking with him. People began to grow tired and lie down and fall asleep in every corner of the place. Shinichi was getting tired, and she tried again and again. It was utterly baffling. Tired and drunk, and yet he resisted. Then he said he had to go. “No, stay,” she said. “Really, I have to go.” “I must insist.” “No, really, I have work tomorrow.” She ordered one of her larger Men Who Wait to restrain him and take him into a bedroom. The big man quickly complied and she covered Shinichi’s mouth while the Man drug him into a back room. The Man held the frightened Shinichi down on the bed and put his hand over his mouth to shut him up. Shinichi writhed and screamed beneath the big hand. It still made quite a racket. She told the Man Who Waits to shut him up. The Man hit Shinichi in the stomach hard. Adrenaline started to flow. This was exciting — finally a birthday to remember!
Kura wasn’t finished. She wanted to see how far it could go. She ordered her Man Who Waits to keep hitting Shinichi. The Man paused. She insisted. He starting hitting Shinichi again, in the body then in the face several times. Shinichi eventually passed out. There was a lot of blood on his face. It was getting all over and staining the bed sheets. This could look very bad if someone found out about this. She told her Man Who Waits to wait there. She stepped out and returned quickly with a knife from the kitchen. She handed the knife to her Man. “Stab him.” The Man shook his head. She put her hand on his shoulder. “Do this for me.” The Man started to get scared. She gripped his shoulder firmly. “Do you want to disappoint me? After all I’ve given you.” He fell to his knees next to the bed crying. “Get up, you baby!” He rose. “Cut him!” He swung the knife at Shinichi’s leg and cut him deeply. Shinichi winced, but was still mostly incoherent. She focused and thrust her thoughts deep into her Man. He began to gasp, moan and wildly stab into Shinichi’s torso, again and again. Blood gushed out of Shinichi’s mouth and he gasped and writhed violently. Kura stepped away. The blood was getting everywhere. Was any of it on her? She looked at herself. Shinichi collapsed back on the bed and was silent. “Now look what you’ve done! You’re a murderer!” Her Man fell to his knees on the floor, blood all over him. He was screaming in sobs. “You have dishonored me,” she said. By that time, other party goers woke up and began to gather in the doorway. People shouted in terror at the scene. Kura feigned horror and backed off with them. She concentrated again. The confused and deeply upset Man lifted the knife and thrust it into his own stomach as far as it would go. By the time the ambulance arrived, he was dead, too. Both bodies were taken out of the apartment in full view of shocked party-goers, neighbors, reporters, and a not-so shocked Kura.
That birthday party was quite a tabloid sensation, and the speculation over why the men were fighting, which had to be over her affection, was titillating. It wasn’t the kind of publicity she wanted. Still though, she learned quite a bit about her power. She had a significant amount of wealth accumulated, so she decided to spend some time getting to know the extent of her power and getting to know if there were other people out there with the mental discipline of that young man. She needed to know how prevalent this threat was. But this time, she’d be discreet.
Over the next few years, she tested her ability on many different people. Her observations: people with money tend to be more disciplined, though not unattainable. Women are better at resisting than men, although this may be because she’s a woman. Younger people are more compliant than older people. People with superstitious beliefs held onto her suggestions longer. She traveled — she had picked up quite a bit of English in her acting work, and spent some more time learning it.
It was during her quest for knowledge, that Kura came across an American diplomat while she was in Moscow. He openly shared state secrets with her, and it amused her to get people to confess their darkest secrets. And it was usually about amusement, but there was one tidbit that caught her attention. He babbled on about the Chinese working on a telepathy device and wouldn’t that be amazing. No, it wouldn’t, she thought. That would be a disaster. But she had no intention of going to China either — they didn’t appreciate her acting at all. Then he talked about a man named Dr. Morris and representatives from the U.S. government were asking him a lot of questions.
Where was this Dr. Morris? — the American speaks at length about everything he knows.
It seems her hiatus will continue and Dr. Morris will have a famous, new “patient”. As the American diplomat looks on, he’s confused as Kura begins to laugh at the thought of having herself committed for study.
Dr. Morris met with Kura Maruyama once and was only able to jot down a few notes before he abruptly left his facility: “Duplicitous… dangerous.” Though he didn’t get a chance to do a thorough study, he surmised that her power is proximal, beta wave-based, insinuative telepathy originating in her Brocal region, but affecting the temporal and frontal lobes (and possibly the limbic lobes) of those she focuses on. Her telepathic “invasive assault” likely affects several regions of their brains at once.
At one time, Dr. Morris studied a woman with a very low level insinuative memory telepathy, but Kura’s is much stronger. She implants suggestions, even complex ideas, into short-term memory, but if she spends enough time with a person and implants the suggestion multiple times, those thoughts can enter long-term memory. Whether in short or long-term memory, complex suggestions are temporary because, after a night of deep sleep, the brains of individuals with the implanted memories seem to reject or unencode the foreign thoughts. The brain ultimately realizes that the thoughts are not probable or their brain is not able to connect the complex ideas to an existing thought schema, and those suggestions are ultimately considered false. It definitely requires a good night of sleep or several good nights of sleep to completely reject the most deeply or ubiquitously implanted suggestions.
Much like a juggler who can keep multiple balls in the air at one time, Kura seems to be able to keep multiple people under her control at once, which must take a great deal of mental concentration and effort.
She most likely has a Morris telepathic power rank value of high.
Dr. Forrest works in the top secret neuroscience research lab at Enfeld Bionomics. She learns Dr. Speerel will be her new boss.
Character introduced in Book 1, Chapter 127.